Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Case Study - Essay Example Retrospectively, some self protection views are presented also that can aid Mr. Pecker in avoiding such problems in the future This report can be construed to be a recommendation with regard to Mr. Corky Pecker’s legal position with TMP Operations Pty Ltd as well as any value that the company may offer later on. A summary of the corporate structures during normal operations and immediately after voluntary administration (VA) shall be given first. This summary shall be given with a timeline of events that led to the VA decision. A review of the actions that are open to the administrator for recovering value to pay creditors is given afterwards. An outline of the liabilities and defences of Mr. Pecker shall be given in case the company is liquidated. However, in case the company is saved, advice is given to Mr. Pecker for structuring. Furthermore, many legal, practicable, remedies are given that can be used to assist a negotiating restructure in case negotiations along these lines fails. At the end, the possible role of Mr. Pecker in avoiding these risks he faces now shall be given, for his future use. However, this report shall be limited in scope; it shall only report as to the application of the Corporations Act 2001 (CA, 2001). TMP Operations Pty Ltd (TMPO) is a subsidiary wholly owned by TMP Holdings Pty Ltd (TMPH), with Don Corleone (DC), Rhonda Sadler (RS), Hubert Burdock (HB) and Corky Pecker (CP) as directors. Appendix A (a diagram) explains the corporate structure in more detail; Table A.1 therein gives the timeline of events that led to the VA. Peter Gibson (PG) is the financial advisor and accountant of the group, with legal advice dispensed by RS, while DC retained Martha Stewart (MS) as well. When the TMPO board decided to enter VA, Helen Gleeson (HG) was nominated the administrator. Investigating TMPO’s affairs will be

Monday, October 28, 2019

Personal Responsibility Paper Essay Example for Free

Personal Responsibility Paper Essay Personal responsibility is taking action so that one cant blame anyone but themselves, an education will help support their future because they are taking responsibility for their own actions and if one is responsible in their personal life they will be responsible in their college life. Education Supporting Ones Future Having a college education will definitely help when a person is shopping around in the job market. With the economy being in the state that it currently is in, a person without a college degree can easily be looked over when being compared to the person that does have the college degree. † Over their careers, full-time, full-year workers whose highest degree is a bachelors make 74 percent more, on average, than those whose highest attainment is a high-school diploma, the authors found. When those with more than a bachelors degree are included, the premium for higher education rises to 84 percent† (Supiano, 2011). If one is a college student that is going back after many years of working full time and taking care of a family an area that one may need to focus on for improvement might be time management. One will have to set up and follow an entirely new schedule so they can fit in their new duties as a college student. Setting clear starting and stopping times is a good planning strategy. â€Å"A variation of this technique is called time boxing. Time boxing is one way to overcome resistance to a task, focus your attention, and make a meaningful dent in large projects† (Ellis, 2011). Responsibility: Personal and College Life If one is responsible in their personal life one will be responsible in their college life. â€Å"When applied to education, personal responsibility means that students accept the responsibility to study hard and to learn as much as they can in courses that press against the limits of their capacity† (Haskins 2009). Being responsible is something one has to do in their everyday life whether it is going to work every day or taking care of their family. So if one can manage to be responsible in other aspects of their life one should be able to be a responsible student. Why Education Is Important To Ones Future The most important reason an education will help support ones future is because they are taking responsibility for their own actions. If one wants to better their life, whether it is successfully or just emotionally they are the one taking responsibility and are ultimately in control of how they handle it. Having a learning strategy will help to make your education a success. Everyone learns differently but one strategy that would be helpful to a person working through their education is metacognition: Metacognition usually deals with self-awareness of a student about his/her own capability in a particular learning area. The student evaluates his/her performance and tries to come up with better ways of learning. Self-critique, taking responsibility, personal reflection, individual monitoring, and changing study habits are some examples of metacognitive strategies. (Simsek, Balaban, 2010) The way a student could incorporate this strategy into their upcoming months would be taking responsibility and making sure friends and family know how important getting a college education is to them so they are understanding when times come up that they are not able to be around because they have responsibilities from class that may be more important. Personal reflection is another method a student could incorporate buy looking back and seeing what study methods worked best for them and their schedule. Conclusion By taking that next step to continue with education and work towards getting that college degree one is already helping to support their future. If one has been responsible in their life prior to starting their college education then one should be able to transition into their college duties with little disruption. Incorporating different learning strategies into their life will also assist with this transition to college student. References Ali Simek, Jale Balaban, Contemporary Educational Technology – Learning Strategies of Successful and Unsuccessful University Students; 2010, 1(1), p37 Ellis, D. (2011). Becoming a master student (13th ed.). Boston, MA: Wadsworth, p75 Haskins, R. (2009, July). The Sequence of Personal Responsibility [Article], Retrieved from the Brookings Institute website: Supiano, B. (2011). Whats a Degree Worth? Report Has Answers, by Major. Chronicle Of Higher Education, 57(38), A20.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

What is Curiosity Essay -- Psychology, Piaget

What is Curiosity, why do babies differ in intelligence, personality and characteristics as they grow up? Some people become good citizens, and some grow up to be bad citizens who become dangerous to the community. Philosophers tried to find out and explain these questions that were observed in individuals. There are many developmentalists whom offered different theories to explain human development. Theories of development include, psychoanalytic, learning, cognitive, biological and evolutionary, and system theories (Boyd, 2009), and we are discussing Piaget’s cognitive theory below. Jean Piaget was a Swiss psychologist, and his cognitive- development theory is one of the most influential theories in history. According to his theory, every individual begin their life with a little skills of motor and sensory scheme like looking, touching, hearing, reaching and tasting. In his theory, scheme is an internal cognitive structure that makes available a procedure to follow in a particular condition. Just like, when we pick up something, we use our picking up scheme, and throwing that thing to someone, we use our looking, aiming and throwing scheme. The scheme gets better or works better as we use every time. There are also mental schemes that allow us to think logically and use symbols. This scheme mostly develops during childhood and adolescence. Assimilation, equilibration and accommodation are three processes that Peaget proposed to explain how schemes used in childhood, adolescence and adulthood. Using scheme to make sense of experience or an event is t he assimilation process. Accommodation is the process of changing the scheme if there is some new information result. The third process equilibration is balan... ...ton of feathers? Both answered, a ton of stone and a ton of feathers is equal. So, I believe some children can be ready for some formal education earlier than age nine or ten. I also observed girls play differently, and like different toys than boys. Conclusion: Since human development explained differently by many developmentalists, some explanations are agreeable and some are not. But their ideas still influence many of us. The methods which are used to study children’s development, helps understand changes across the human lifespan. We have learned from Jean Piaget’s the cognitive theory that there are stages, and substages for logical thinking, and how the child builds different types of scheme, and the universal changes in thinking happen in the early childhood. I agree that this exercise assisted me to gain understanding the point of the theory. What is Curiosity Essay -- Psychology, Piaget What is Curiosity, why do babies differ in intelligence, personality and characteristics as they grow up? Some people become good citizens, and some grow up to be bad citizens who become dangerous to the community. Philosophers tried to find out and explain these questions that were observed in individuals. There are many developmentalists whom offered different theories to explain human development. Theories of development include, psychoanalytic, learning, cognitive, biological and evolutionary, and system theories (Boyd, 2009), and we are discussing Piaget’s cognitive theory below. Jean Piaget was a Swiss psychologist, and his cognitive- development theory is one of the most influential theories in history. According to his theory, every individual begin their life with a little skills of motor and sensory scheme like looking, touching, hearing, reaching and tasting. In his theory, scheme is an internal cognitive structure that makes available a procedure to follow in a particular condition. Just like, when we pick up something, we use our picking up scheme, and throwing that thing to someone, we use our looking, aiming and throwing scheme. The scheme gets better or works better as we use every time. There are also mental schemes that allow us to think logically and use symbols. This scheme mostly develops during childhood and adolescence. Assimilation, equilibration and accommodation are three processes that Peaget proposed to explain how schemes used in childhood, adolescence and adulthood. Using scheme to make sense of experience or an event is t he assimilation process. Accommodation is the process of changing the scheme if there is some new information result. The third process equilibration is balan... ...ton of feathers? Both answered, a ton of stone and a ton of feathers is equal. So, I believe some children can be ready for some formal education earlier than age nine or ten. I also observed girls play differently, and like different toys than boys. Conclusion: Since human development explained differently by many developmentalists, some explanations are agreeable and some are not. But their ideas still influence many of us. The methods which are used to study children’s development, helps understand changes across the human lifespan. We have learned from Jean Piaget’s the cognitive theory that there are stages, and substages for logical thinking, and how the child builds different types of scheme, and the universal changes in thinking happen in the early childhood. I agree that this exercise assisted me to gain understanding the point of the theory.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Voice, Words and Sound in Heart of Darkness Essay examples -- Heart Da

Voice, Words and Sound in Heart of Darkness  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚   To Marlow, voice is the supreme symbol of civilization, and civilized understanding is expressed through words. The absence of words, or the inability to express something in words, signals meaninglessness. The psychedelic experience brings one into direct confrontation with the breakdown of language (the ‘transcendence of verbal concepts’ cited in the introduction), its inability to express the hidden truth of existence. Marlow becomes aware of this—primarily through his direct experience with Kurtz—yet he does not fully allow himself to believe in the failure of language. After all, language is still the most effective tool he has for communication.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Sound is a signifier of meaning to Marlow. If sound is comprehensible, i.e. English or the sound of the sea, then it belongs to civilization and intelligence. If it is incomprehensible, not English, or the silencing of sound, then it belongs to savagery and ignorance. Thus, understanding is represented in sound as well as in thought or action. For example: ‘With one hand I felt above my head for the line of the steam whistle, and jerked out screech after screech hurriedly. The tumult of angry and warlike yells was checked instantly, and then from the depths of the woods went out such a tremulous and prolonged wail of mournful fear and utter despair as may be imagined to follow the flight of the last hope from the earth. There was a great commotion in the bush; the shower of arrows stopped, a few dropping shots rang out sharply—then silence, in which the languid beat of the stern-wheel came plainly to my ears’ (Conrad, 82). The whistle is the signifier of civilization, of all that is incomprehensible to the primi... ...For the story is full of silence, full of the memory of the savage. Does his telling allow him to let go of the savage, erase the memories of the palpable force of the wilderness? Works Cited Conrad, Joseph. Heart of Darkness. Editor Robert Kimbrough. New York: Norton, 1988. Conrad, Joseph. Heart of Darkness. Editor Paul O’Prey. Middlesex: Penquin Books Ltd., 1983. Cox, C. B. Conrad: Heart of Darkness, Nostromo, and Under Western Eyes. London: Macmillan Education Ltd., 1987.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Guetti, James. ‘Heart of Darkness and the Failure of the Imagination’, Sewanee Review LXXIII, No. 3 (Summer 1965), pp. 488-502. Ed. C. B. Cox.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Ruthven, K. K. ‘The Savage God: Conrad and Lawrence,’ Critical Quarterly, x, nos 1& 2 (Spring and Summer 1968), pp. 41-6. Ed. C. B. Cox. Watts, Cedric. A Preface to Conrad. Essex: Longman Group UK Limited, 1993.     

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Adam Walsh Act Essay

The case of six-year old Adam Walsh is perhaps one that will never leave the minds of anyone initially horrified by its details. In 1981 young Adam was kidnapped from a local mall and regardless of tireless efforts by his parents John and Reve Walsh, volunteers, and law enforcement; Adam fell victim to murder. Two weeks after the boy went missing, his decapitated head was located, but his body was never found. This prompted his father John Walsh to start a campaign and legislature policy submission toward more stringent accountability for child crime offenders. â€Å"The murder transformed John Walsh’s life, turning him from a middle-class hotel marketing executive into one of country’s best known advocates for missing children† (Thomas, 2008). In this paper, the initial legislative policy signed into law by President George W. Bush and the current policy addition initiative sought by Mr. Walsh is examined. The Scope of the Initiative With the signing of the initial policy by President Bush in 2006, the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act became law. Aforementioned, the policy directive was to enact tougher laws on child predators however; the policy contains two additional provisions that would violate states’ rights and state policy’s currently in place for adoptive, foster, and relative caregivers. The two provisions contained in the Adam Walsh law are to follow. 1. Modified existing requirements for conducting criminal background checks 2. Created a new requirement to conduct child abuse registry checks of prospective foster and adoptive parents. (Miller, 2007) The policy provisions left the states the discretion of choosing placement however, if those in the household filing for adoption or fostering of the child did not pass the background checks, the federal funding would not be approved. Those in opposition of the provision above were such because the wording of the provision seemingly protected the federal government instead of the child. The popular point of the second provision remains unopposed. â€Å"In addition, they cannot draw down funds for a child placed in a foster or adoptive home where the child abuse and neglect registry check is not  conducted within that State, or requested of another State as required under the new law† (Miller, 2007) One would think the second of the two provisions to the 2006 law would be automatically assumed however, this particular law would come to face even more provisional changes its future. Issues Presented for Provisionary Inclusion Sex Offender Registration Act (SORNA) The Adam Wals h act has several other provisions including Title I, the Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act or (â€Å"SORNA†). Under this portion SORNA â€Å"established a new federal sex offender registration framework and SORNA made two major changes to federal sex offender registration policy† (Morse, 2009). This portion of the act is currently in question for the following reasons: 1. Subsection (1) provides registration requires persons convicted of a sex crime under either federal or state law to register. 2. Section 16913provides that a sex offender must register and keep the registration current in each jurisdiction where he or she resides, is an employee, or is a student. (Morse, 2009). Two provisions of the act violate principles of federalism: 1. A provision providing for the civil commitment of sexually violent predators, and a provision creating a new federal â€Å"failure to register† crime for federal sex offenders. 2. Section 4248 authorizes the federal government to initiate civil commitment proceedings against three categories of individuals: (a) Persons in the custody of the Bureau of Prisons (â€Å"BOP†), the federal agency responsible for the custody and care of federal offenders (b) Persons committed to the custody of the United States Attorney General based on incompetence to stand trial Persons against whom all criminal charges have been dismissed solely due to their mental condition (Morse, 2009). Thus, Morse cites the following as challenges to the Adam Walsh act and questions the validity of the act for these reasons: Both provisions target people based on their former federal convictions and impose additional restrictions on them despite the fact that they have completed their federal sentences. Neither provision contains a jurisdictional hook. In sum, both the civil commitment provision and the failure to register provision implicate the question of whether legal federal custody over a person may, without more, serve as the basis of future federal jurisdiction over that person (Morse, 2009). Citing the implications above Congress is considering an impending change to the provisions in the Walsh act that would remove all question of misinterpretation of wording These impending changes would ensure that no violations of civil rights, state rights or federalism are contained therein. Also, â€Å"One scholar has argued the wording of  § 2250(a) (2) (B) is not sufficiently tailored to support SORNA’s constitutionality under the Commerce Clause† (Morse, 2009). According to the Legal Dictionary, the Commerce Clause is defined as â€Å"The provision of the U. S. Constitution that gives Congress exclusive power over trade activities among the states and with foreign countries and Indian tribe†. The aforementioned obviously pertains to the location of the registered offender, and that he or she must register regardless of where they are, if they are a student, on a tribal reservation, or in a foreign country. This as mentioned in the cited Morse document, coincides with what Morse goes on to say in regard to the regulation of criminal activity. Morse states â€Å"Because the regulating criminal activity is primarily the responsibility of the states, many scholars perceive the rapid expansion of the federal criminal law as clashing with federalism values† (Morse, 2009). To date the original funding of all aspects of the Adam Walsh Act is still in place and is to be revisited and potentially revised in 2014. Those who declare portions of the act unconstitutional, such as in Morse’s report cited, now have the opportunity to voice concerns and suggestions. Conclusion The Adam Walsh Act while regulatory and legislative, still requires changes before all parties affected stand united in approval. Whereas Congress could use its spending power to encourage state compliance, not all states would view this as constitutional. There is much to do concerning this act, but the outcome is unpredictable. Current filings to repeal or revise the entire Adam Walsh Act exist such as by Citizens for Change in America, represented by Michael R. Handler. The repeal document cites the AWA as being draconian and going against Due Process and the Bail Reform Act of 1984. Only time will prove the Adam Walsh Act is successful as currently written, but undoubtedly there are changes to come with such opposition and reasoning. Works Cited Miller, J. L. (2007, April). Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act of 2006: Issues for Child Welfare Agencies. ChildFocus. Morse, R. (2009, December 1). Federalism Challenges to the Adam Walsh Act. Boston University Law Review, Vol. 89, p. 1753. Thomas, P. (2008, December 17). No ‘Closure’ for Walshes in Son’s Murder Case. Retrieved from ABC Good Morning America: http://abcnews. go. com/GMA/story? id=6478540;page=1

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Confessional Poetry by Robert Lowell

The Confessional Poetry by Robert Lowell Free Online Research Papers M. L. Rosenthal ‘first applied the term confession to Robert Lowell’s work’ (1). One definition of what makes a poem ‘confessional’ is offered by Irving Howe, who argues that a ‘confessional poem would seem to be one in which the writer speaks to the reader, telling him, without the mediating presence of imagined event or persona, something about his life’. (2) The first poem that was called ‘confessional’ was Snodgrass’ ‘Heart’s Needle’, which ‘provided a model of truthfulness’. (3) Before then, the subject matter of poetry implicitly included little of the poet’s private life, instead focusing upon public issues using a detached persona. The new ‘confessional’ poems removed the mask that poets had been hiding behind and provided an insight into the private lives of the poets. However, upon close study it is clear to recognize the differences as well as similarities between the ‘confessional poets’ and their poems. The label ‘confessional poetry’ over-simplifies and undervalues the nature of the poetry of Lowell, Sexton and Plath. While these poems frequently engage in what is repressed, hidden and falsified, defining them as ‘confessional’ undermines the creative ability of the writer to construct a persona or imaginary scenario that is separate from their lives. Critics have argued whether or not the poems of Lowell, Sexton and Plath are ‘confessional’. M. L. Rosenthal argued that Plath was a ‘confessional’ poet because she ‘followed Lowell’s autobiographical method in Life Studies.’ (4) Likewise, Edward Butscher argues that ‘Plath’s confessionalism was the ultimate goal of her poetic career.’ (5) Howe also describes Plath’s ‘Lady Lazarus’ as a ‘confessional’ poem because it discusses her recurrent suicide attempts. Nevertheless, Howe criticizes much of Plath’s poetry for being self-indulgent, describing ‘Daddy’ as a ‘revenge fantasy’ rather than ‘confessional’. (6) Howe separates Plath from the ‘confessional’ category because he claims that she has ‘abandoned the sense of audience’ in favor of self-indulgence. (7) In stark contrast to this, Rosenblatt argues that while Pla th’s later poems were influenced by life experiences, her poetry does not depend on its confessional nature. Rosenblatt states that while these poems ‘begin with an autobiographical situation’ they ‘exist by themselves and can be read and understood in most cases without biographical information.’ Rather than directly using her experience in the poems, Plath frequently uses ‘elements from her experience as the starting point for imagistic and thematic elaborations.’ (8) In her earlier poems, Plath appeared to repress certain themes that were influential on the imagery of her poems. Later, however, Sylvia ‘begins to tell the truth.’ (9) For instance, in ‘The Colossus’ Plath presents the image of her father, but not the full extent of her feelings toward him, which are revealed in ‘Daddy’. While she both loves and hates her father in ‘The Colossus’, it is in ‘Daddy’ that Plath unleashes her hatred upon him. Expanding on the reality of her experience, Plath’s persona is at conflict with her father because he is German, and she is a Jew. Robert Phillips’ argument that ‘Daddy’ is ‘a poem of total rejection’ (10) is reinforced by Plath’s lines ‘Daddy, I have had to kill you.’ (11) However, more controversially, it has been argued that Plath is sexually obsessed with her father. Some critics have suggested that the ‘black shoeà ¢â‚¬â„¢ in which she has ‘lived like a foot’ (12) is a phallic symbol that proves her incestuous desires. In the poem, Plath moves from desiring her father, fearing him, to hating him. The suggestion of incest is embellished in Plath’s implication that she married a man just like her father: I made a model of you, A man in black with a Meinkampf look and a love of the rack and the screw. And I said I do, I do. (13) This reference appears to apply to Plath in her statement that she was married to this man for seven years. However, just as her relationship with Ted is over, Plath tells her father: ‘Daddy, daddy, you bastard, I’m through.’ (14) Like in ‘Daddy’, Plath addresses a German ‘Herr’ in ‘Lady Lazarus’, where she addresses the hidden theme of suicide. Plath’s use of first person narration implies that it is her who has ‘done it again’. (15) Like Sexton, Plath frankly admits that this is not her first suicide attempt – ‘This is Number Three’. (16) However, at the end of the poem the speaker undergoes a rebirth that enables her to ‘eat men like air.’ (17) In comparison, Plath explains the oppressive treatment that women receive in society in her poem, ‘The Applicant’. Like Sexton, Plath is tired of domestic servitude and the emphasis that is placed upon women’s appearance. Plath emphasizes that a person will not be accepted by society unless they are ‘our sort of person’. (18) The purpose of a woman is to ‘do whatever you tell it’ or to ‘marry it’. (19) Plath points out the patronizing treatment of women with her line ‘Come here, sweetie’, showing that a woman is treated like a dog, or a ‘living doll’ rather than an independent human being. (20) The qualities that are valued in women are sewing, cooking and talking, as well as the obvious requirement of looking attractive. Critics often make the mistake of claiming that the voice of Anne Sexton’s poems is hers, rather than an invented persona. As Sexton said, in a radio interview with Macbeth, facts ‘â€Å"are very unimportant things, there to make you believe in the emotional content in a poem†Ã¢â‚¬â„¢. (21) In order to be effective, the voice of Sexton’s poems ‘must likewise be both a selection (an aspect of the whole person who is writing) and an artifice, shaped and ordered to suit the needs of the poem.’ (22) Anne Sexton provides proof of her use of personas, stating that she ‘would alter any word, attitude, image or persona for the sake of a poem.’ (23) Sexton claims that distorting the truth ‘made a better poem’. (24) What is typically ‘confessional’ about Sexton’s work is its handling of taboo or shocking subjects that were not traditionally discussed in poetry before the so-called ‘confessional poets’. These taboo subjects such as mental breakdowns, suicide, marital problems and incest were themselves hidden from poetry in the past. Sexton’s poems engaged in what was ‘repressed, hidden, or falsified’ from an early stage in poems such as ‘In the Beach House’, which associated her parents’ lovemaking, ‘the royal strapping’, with a beating she had received from her father. (25) However, Anne Sexton’s recurring themes were further expanded upon throughout her poetry so that any repressed feelings were finally revealed. Repression was a key theme for Sexton, which is reinforced by the comments of Robin Becker a former student of Sexton’s, who explained how Sexton used to ‘â€Å"unrepressed†Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ the class. (26) What remained repressed for Sexton was her memories of sexual abuse, whether real or imagined. While her friends believe that Sexton was sexually abused, her therapist, Dr. Orne, believed that it was a false memory. However, Sexton’s preoccupation with incest is clear in many of her poems including ‘The Truth the Dead know’, ‘Flee on Your Donkey’ and ‘In the Beach House’. In ‘The Death of the Fathers’, Sexton suggests incest in her description of dancing with her father. The innocent dance is perverted with the image of ‘The serpent, that mocker, woke up and pressed against me’. (27) As well as repressed images of sexual feelings toward her father, Sexton’s poems imply an unnatural relationship with her mother. Sexton reported to her psychiatrist, repressed memories of her mother’s genital inspections, which left her feeling ashamed and humiliated. While this theme is not overtly explored in her poems, Sexton implies hostility toward her mother in many of her poems. If the themes of insanity, suicide, marital discord and incest had been hidden from society, Sexton tackled these themes vigorously and forced people to acknowledge them. In an interview with Barbara Kevles, Sexton admitted: ‘ Recently I noticed in â€Å"Flee on Your Donkey† that I had used some of the same facts in To Bedlam and Part Way Back, but I hadn’t realized them in their total ugliness. I’d hidden from them.’ (28) In Sexton’s poem ‘Live’, she mentions her time in a mental hospital by referring to ‘my hospital shift’. (29) Sexton offers the reasons for her mental breakdown, blaming her suicidal tendencies and the pressures of her family: a husband straight as a redwood, two daughters, two sea urchins, picking roses off my hackles. If I’m on fire they dance around it and cook marshmallows (30) Domesticity depresses the character most likely to be Sexton herself because she feels used by her husband and children. Sexton admits what the critics always highlight ‘People don’t like to be told / that you’re sick’. (31) However, Sexton is more upbeat in this poem when she mocks ‘Even crazy, I’m as nice/ as a chocolate bar.’ (32) More overtly suicidal is Sexton’s ‘Wanting to Die’ in which she claims that ‘suicides have a special language.’ (33) In this poem, the character states that ‘Twice I have so simply declared myself, / have possessed the enemy, eaten the enemy’. (34) While she realizes that ‘Death’s a sad Bone’, she is drawn to it ‘year after year’. (35) Like Robert Lowell’s poems about marital breakdown, which arguably influenced Sexton, Sexton also wrote a poem called ‘Man and Wife’. Aside from the pressures that Sexton feels from her children, the character of ‘Man and Wife’ feels isolated from her husband. Although they are married, they ‘do not even know each other’. (36) There is a sense that they are forced to stay together, out of obligation, like ‘A soldier is forced to stay with a soldier / because they share the same dirt’. (37) However, a sense of love is expressed in the lines ‘Oh darling, / we gasp in unison beside our window pane’. (38) This poem emphasizes the complex nature of human relationships. Previously, before the confessional poets, marital discord would have found little, if any, expression in poetry. What had been absent from poetry as well as society was an insight into the lives of women. Sexton took this hidden aspect of life and presented it in her poems. When All My Pretty Ones was published, it was Sexton’s ‘direct treatment of the female body in such poems as â€Å"The Operation† that attracted the interest of reviewers.’ (39) However, certain male reviewers could not cope with these frank ‘confessions that involved the emotional and bodily functions of women. For example, James Dickey criticised Anne Sexton for dwelling on ‘the pathetic and disgusting aspects of bodily experience’. (40) An engagement with what has been ‘falsified’ for Sexton is explicit in her confession that untruthfulness was a ‘legitimate characteristic of her self-representation’. (41) Sexton admits that she falsified the experiences in her poems, for example, mentioning only one daughter, changing the number of visits to metal institutions, and referring to her brother that she did not have. In an interview with William Heyen and Al Poulin in September 1973, Sexton said: I remember Ralph Mills talking about my dead brother whom I’ve written about. And I met Ralph and I said, â€Å"Ralph,† â€Å"Ralph, I had no brother, but then didn’t we all have brothers who died in that war?†But I write my brother, and of course he believes it I should say â€Å"Excuse me, folks, but no brother,† but that would kind of ruin the poem (42) Even what seems like a personal experience that Sexton is confessing can be an imagined scenario, used for dramatic effect. As Dr. Orne suggested, Sexton’s memories of child abuse may have been invented ‘when she was reading and writing about incest’. (43) Indeed, Sexton has admitted to committing â€Å"truth crimes† during her therapy sessions. (44) However, whether true or not, the stories of incest allowed Sexton to explore a taboo subject. Howe argues that the poetry of Lowell is confessional because the â€Å"I† ‘really did mean his private self, not a persona created for the poem’s occasion.’ (45) Patrick Cosgrove argues that Lowell is not a confessional poet but the label ‘confessional’ ‘revealed an essential part of the way in which Lowell, and the critics and commentators who admire him, thought about their –and man’s – place in the world of affairs.’ (46) That is, Lowell’s poems were viewed as confessional because his personal thoughts reflected what was occurring in society. In the same way, people assumed that Lowell was telling the truth, which was inevitably his truth, not the views of a persona. As Williams stated, ‘â€Å"There is no lying permitted to a man who writes that way.†Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ (47) Lowell himself encouraged the ‘confessional’ label when he asserted that Life Studies was ‘â€Å"about direct experience, and not symbols†; it tells his â€Å"personal story and memories.†Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ (48) While his old poems hid what they were about, his new ‘confessional’ poems expressed private, hidden thoughts. However, this new personal style was criticized by critics such as Desales Standerwick, who found the subject matter ‘â€Å"embarrassing.†Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ (49) Despite his criticism of Sexton, Rosenthal praised Lowell for removing the mask and emerging as ‘â€Å"the damned speaking-sensibility of the world.†Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ (50) What is unique about Lowell is that he grounds his personal poetry in the hidden past of the Lowell family he focuses on ‘the family disgraces, tensions, neuroses, and failures.’ (51) The hidden past is valuable to Lowell for what it has to teach us about the present. In particular, his nervous breakdowns are caused by memories from his past that haunt him. However, unlike other ‘confessional’ poets, Lowell also explores the consequences of the past in modern society. In many of his poems Lowell criticizes the behavior of his ancestors and blames them for the decay of society. In ‘Skunk Hour’, Lowell criticizes the corrupt society, ‘the season’s ill’, which is responsible for his ‘ill-spirit’, when he confesses ‘My mind’s not right.’ (52)He points out the negative effects of the American Dream by criticizing the materialistic urge that has replaced love: There is no money in his work, he’d rather marry. (53) Without the presence of love, greedy lust is expressed in Lowell’s description of ‘love-cars’ that ‘lay together, hull to hull’. (54) Even lust is represented in terms of the acquisition of wealth with the image of two cars being intimate. The worthlessness of this lust is resonated through the car radio that ‘bleats / â€Å"Love, O careless Love.†Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ (55) As Axelrod argues, in the modern world ‘all is abnormality, self-assertion, ugliness, violence, madness, and monstrosity.’ (56) The only positive image is that of the skunks who are repulsive, but strong enough to survive because they ‘will not scare’. (57) As well as attacking materialism, Lowell controversially opposed the war and was jailed consequently. His poem ‘Memories of West Street and Lepke’ describes his experiences in prison and defines Lowell as ‘a fire-breathing Catholic C.O.’ (58) What is ‘repressed’ in Lowell’s poetry is memories of his family, such as in ‘My Last Afternoon with Uncle Devereux Winslow’, where Lowell reveals ‘the family conflicts and failures normally kept politely hidden.’ (59) In this poem, he remembers the repressed memory of his Grandfather as ‘manly, comfortable, / overbearing, disproportioned’ (60) and his reluctance to be with his parents. As Axelrod emphasizes, the effect of Lowell’s terror at family disputes culminates in his ‘mental collapse as an adult.’ (61) While he portrays his family as intimidating here, he condemns his ancestors more freely in ‘For the Union Dead’. Another theme that is usually hidden from society is that of marital breakdowns. In several poems, Lowell discusses the failure of relationships. In ‘Man and Wife’, Lowell contrasts the romantic early phases of a relationship, characterized by the statement ‘All night I’ve held your hand’ (62), with the stale relationship of the present. Twelve years later, the loveless marriage is characterized by his wife’s ‘old-fashioned tirade’ that ‘breaks like the Atlantic Ocean’ (63) on the head of her husband. This theme is followed up in ‘â€Å"To Speak of Woe That Is in Marriage†Ã¢â‚¬â„¢, which is narrated by the wife. In it, there is the threat that ‘This screwball might kill his wife.’ (64) Like Sexton and Plath, Lowell also falsified his experience, what he called ‘â€Å"tinkering with the fact,†Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ (65) in order to make dramatic effect. What was important to Lowell was that the reader ‘â€Å"was to believe he was getting the real Robert Lowell.†Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ (66) For example, In ‘My Last Afternoon’ Lowell only presents the details that he would like the reader to know. He feels free to embellish the truth about setting and personality to make the description sound convincing. The ‘confessional’ poets engage in what is ‘repressed, hidden or falsified’ in response to a literary tradition that excludes personal experience. Whether or not the voice of the poem belongs to the poet, the poems express universal themes that until recently were absent from poetry. Research Papers on The Confessional Poetry by Robert LowellMind TravelComparison: Letter from Birmingham and CritoHonest Iagos Truth through DeceptionArguments for Physician-Assisted Suicide (PAS)Bringing Democracy to AfricaIncorporating Risk and Uncertainty Factor in CapitalRelationship between Media Coverage and Social andEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenThe Masque of the Red Death Room meaningsCapital Punishment

Monday, October 21, 2019

Clearwaters Company Objectives and Issues

Clearwaters Company Objectives and Issues Marketing has evolved with the evolving technologies in the world. The emerging technologies have completely changed the marketing processes in the current world. Freeman (2010) observes that for a long time, marketing was considered an operational activity and it was a unit under the production department. This was the time when most firms employed the production strategy. There was a general belief that once a product is availed in the market, consumers would have no otherwise but to buy it. Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Clearwaters Company Objectives and Issues specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This notion was held for a long time. Because there was minimal competition in the market, these firms managed to operate with this policy for long. However, the emerging technologies have created a global village where an individual could move from one end of the earth to the other within a very short time. Impr oved means of communication is another aspect that has changed marketing practices. The invention of telephones was a major milestone in making the world a global village. A person in New York would easily communicate with another in Riyadh or Melbourne in real time. As communication was enhanced, people became more knowledgeable and therefore more demanding. Current Marketing Situation It is always very important that before introducing a product to the market, care be taken to ensure that there is a deep understanding of the market situation. Market situation refers to the forces that dictate the condition of the market. They are the forces that would determine if a given product would be acceptable in the market. Of concern would be the acceptability of the product in the market, the size of the market and its sustainability. In order to elaborate on these factors, a number of analyses would be used in this research. In this case, we would discuss the introduction of a new bran d of water, hereinafter referred to as Clearwaters. Market Description Bottled water is one of the new products in the Saudi markets. This product was considered a free product and many people relied on tap water as the preferred clean water for drinking. However, this changed with time. Bottled water has come out strongly as one of the beverages that are considered important goods. Because of the ease to carry it and the fact that it is believed to have nutrients, there has been a consistent increase in the size of the market for this product. The bottled water market has consistently been eating up the market share of other carbonated drinks such as the cola products. Health experts have been raising concerns over the ingredients of the cola products and the possible effect they might have on consumers. As such, those individuals who are health conscious have considered taking bottled water instead of the carbonated drinks.Advertising Looking for research paper on busines s economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This market is relatively young, especially in the Saudi market. However, it has experienced a massive growth over the past few years. Some of the market leaders in the beverage market such as the Coca Cola Company have come up with their own brand of water to help cushion them against the effect of the mass movement of customers from carbonated drinks to bottled water. This brand is relatively strong in the market and its growth has been consistent. Other firms, some of which are locally owned, have come up with their own brands of water as well. They are keen to take their own share of the market. Clearwaters, being a new product in this market, would find an established market with a strong competition that must be countered if the product were to survive a possible elimination. Product Review Clearwaters is new in this industry. It is made of pure drinking water, just like o ther bottled water brands in this industry. This product is meant for human consumption and is sold in bottles of varying sizes, ranging from 300 milliliters to twenty liters. Five, ten and twenty liter-bottles are meant for home use while the three milliliter to one liter bottles target individuals who need water while on a journey or while on such practices as gym and roadwork. The product is new but in a considerably old market. Its brand is barely known and the marketers of this product have a huge responsibility of ensuring that this product penetrates the market. Although the products target the public, five, ten and twenty liters are targeted at middle-class families, who want clean bottled water for home use. The three hundred milliliters, five hundred milliliters, and one-liter bottles have youths as their targets. Competitive Review The market competition is undoubtedly immense. As stated above, there are giant international firms that have established their position in t he market. These firms, as Majer (2011) notes, have strong brands that have gained acceptance in the local market. The biggest challenge is the fact that these firms have developed pools of loyal customers who may not easily be withdrawn by such new brands as Clearwaters. There is a free market entry to firms trading in this product and this would mean that Clearwaters should be ready for new competition from other foreign firms that may want to enter the market. Although the competitors in this particular market have not considered using pricing as a strategy of competition, there are signs indicating that this is a possibility, especially if large firms in this industry consider small industry players as a threat. Thos would mean that elimination of small firms is the only option for survival. Clearwaters must therefore develop clear marketing strategies that would make it unique in the market.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Clearwaters Compan y Objectives and Issues specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Channels and Logistics Review Channels of distribution are some of the most important factors that the management team must consider. Given that this is a new firm and that the market is highly competitive, logistics are some of the factors that can help this firm to be seen as unique in this market. Clearwaters’ products would be delivered to various retail outlets in Riyadh city by use of two tracks. The management would ensure that this product is ever available in all the major stores within this city. The channel would simply be from the manufacturer to the retailers who would finally sell the products to the customers. SWOT Analysis The strength of this project depends on various factors. One of the major strengths of this project is its brand name (Charantimath. (2006). As Stated above, the brand, Clearwaters, is relatively new in the market. However, the name is expecte d to attract the Muslim faithful, who make the majority of the market share. This project also has considerable financial strength. As such, this project is in a position to implement its strategies, including those of research and extension. The project is also expected to operate in various cities outside Riyadh. As such, it would be able to balance its production. When one section of its market would be experiencing economic growth, the other section would be facing recession. Despite the above strengths, the project it has some weaknesses, a fact that might see some of its competitors such as Dasani eat up a section of its market share. Freeman (2010) says that one of the weaknesses that many environmentalists have repeatedly talked about regarding all the firms selling water in plastic bottles, is environmental degradation. The plastic bottles that this firm uses in packing its drinks are causing havoc to the environment. It is apparent that this firm is yet to develop a solut ion to this problem because according to the program, it is yet to replace the plastic bottles with better alternatives. Within the area of operation, some opportunities that can make the firm experience massive growth in its market share exist. Dasani has exploited a vacuum that existed in many countries in the world, especially in the developing countries. Majer (2011) says that there was no competition for this firm in the overseas markets and this company was able to make the most out of its sales. However, with the introduction of new brands such as Clearwaters, Dasani would be under threat. Clearwaters would find it easy to change with the changing technologies because of its small size than would Dasani. Technological advancements will also enable the firm to conduct trade much easily due to improved means of communication and transport means. The economic boom that Saudi Arabia experienced following the improved oil prices in the world market is another opportunity that can help this firm to expand its market.Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The threats that this product has had to deal with include competition. The market has gotten increasingly competitive. Freeman (2010) notes that many firms like Coca Cola have come up with products, which are close substitutes of the product. They have taken large market share in the country. Security concerns in some parts of the city are another threat that this firm has had to deal with. When there is an internal strife, like the one experienced in Egypt and Libya in the recent past, this firm would lose millions of dollars due to the destruction of its assert. During such periods, the firm would also lose the profits they get from the region, while yet they will have to pay the employees. This would hurt the firm financially. Objectives and issues This is a new product. The issue here is to ensure that this product is successfully introduced into the existing market, and that it gets acceptance from the customers in this region. The objective of this move is to ensure that the firm manages to capture substantial market share that would make it sustainable in an increasingly competitive market. Clearwaters should come out as a strong brand in the bottled water industry. The brand should not only attract positive sales in the market, but also a strong base of loyal customers who would help in ensuring that this firm is sustainable. Positioning Product positioning is always very important. In various occasions, firms would try to position their products in the market as the best. In this case, Clearwaters would be positioned as ‘the end of thirst’. In this context, thirsty customers should consider going for Clearwaters, because in its presence, thirst would end. With proposition is expected to attract travelers who pass by the retail outlets to look for beverages that would help quench their thirst. Product Strategy This product is perfectly similar to other products sold by other market competitors. However much the advertisement may be devi sed to make it appear different, the fact remains that the product is similar to those of other competitors. Therefore, a strategy that would help make it unique must exist. In this regard, the packaging of this product would be made a little unique from others in the market. The packages of this product targeting the youths would have graphics that would be attractive to them. The aim of this is to ensure the product speaks out to the customers the moment customers’ glance at them. Pricing Strategy Pricing is one of the most challenging tasks when introducing a new product in the market. When the price is set higher than the average market, customers would most likely ignore the product and go for their traditional products. When the product is priced lower than the market price, customers may dismiss it as a product of poor quality and therefore it may be ignored. Therefore, most firms would prefer setting the price of the product to be at par with the market price of other products. The rationale is that in the process of choosing for the best brand, given that the prices are the same, customers may consider taking the new brand to test its viability. This firm would employ this strategy. It would avoid setting the price below the market average for this may provoke price wars (Freeman, 2010). Because it is a new firm, it may not be in a position to withstand such a competition. Distribution Strategy This product is intended to be distributed in all the major stores in Riyadh. The product will have to capture this market before moving to other cities in this country. The choice of Riyadh was because it has the biggest market for this product and therefore more promising than other markets. Moreover, with the fact that there is huge competition in this city, a success in this market would mean that it would be easy to reach out to other markets. As stated above, the track would move this product to all the mail retail outlets in the country. The str ategy that would be used would be very simply: the product should never run out of stock in all the selected stores Marketing Communication Strategy Manufacturing and availing products to the market is not enough if there is a considerable level of competition in the market. There would be need to ensure that the market understands that the product is available and that it offers superior value. Clearwaters would therefore be advertised in the main channels of communication within the target market. The marketing department would have to use the mass media like the dailies, the radio and television stations to inform the market that this product is available. This department would also need to ensure that the youths who frequent the social media are also reached. This should be done using such social media as Facebook, Tweeter, and YouTube. The communication that goes to the public should be reviewed carefully. It would be important to ensure that there is no miscommunication, or irrelevant information reaching out to the public. This may damage the reputation of the firm and hinder its move to capture more customers in this market. Marketing Research According to Majer (2011), there has been a massive change in marketing over the recent past. Currently, businesses have been forced to take an inward-out approach to marketing. This would mean that a firm would start by understanding what the market expects of them. After developing this understanding, the firm would then need to ensure that it develops products that will meet the demands of the market. In order to ensure that this is possible, there would be need for research into the market. Market research is always very important because creates understanding of the market. Clearwaters will have to be developed as a strong brand in this market. In this regard, it would be important that the management conduct the research among the target market to get to understand their expectation of the bottled water that is sold in the retail outlets. The data from this research should be analyzed, and compounded with the secondary sources of information like the business journals, an informed decision should be made of the approach that this firm should take in bringing this new product to the market. This way, it will gain a competitive edge over the existing firms because it shall have implemented the recommendations from the research. Implementations Charantimath (2006) says that ideas will always remain ideas unless they are implemented. Good ideas can be turned into wonderful projects if the concerned parties make concerted effort to ensure that it is implemented. The plans for the introduction of this product will have to be implemented by all the concerned members of the project. After the idea has undergone all the stages until there is an inception of a product, a marketer would be expected to take over. In this case, the first step would be market testing. A sample of the product w ould be taken to the market to determine its viability. If the product is confirmed to be viable in the market, the production department would then be instructed to produce the product in mass and then there will be commercialization of the product. In this case, Clearwaters will be taken to various retail outlets in the city. The marketing department will also develop an awareness campaign of the product within this particular city. Most importantly during the implementation process, the team would ensure that all the planned activities are carried out as per the plan with no deviations. The allocation of funds would be based on various factors, such as the importance of the project, its profitability and impact it would have on the firm. Budget The budget for this project would be based on the area of coverage. For a start, this project is expected to cover Riyadh city. However, it would be rolled out to other cities later if it proves successful in this region. The budget for t his project would be categorized into various sections, which include research, manufacturing, logistics, advertising, and others. Based on the percentage, the above categories should be allocated funds as follows. Research- 8% Manufacturing-60% Logistics- 11% Advertising- 12% Others- 9 The above budgetary allocations may be altered as per the need of the organization, but they should not be drastically shifted from the estimates provided. Control It is important that the management ensure that the program would flow smoothly as planned. The control of the entire process would be in the hands of the top management of the project. They have the responsibility to ensure that there is a proper budgetary allocation and that every task is done by the intended persons and within the scheduled time. The top management should be responsible for assigning each member of the team specific roles that would help in ensuring that the overall objective of the firm is achieved. Monitoring is al so part of control and must be undertaken by the management unit. References Charantimath. (2006).Total Quality Management. New Delhi: Pearson Education. Freeman, E. (2010). Ethical leadership practices. KCA Journal of Business Management, 2(1): 1-14. Freeman, E. (2010). Strategic Management: A Stakeholder Approach. New York: Cambridge University Press. Majer, C. (2011). The silent killers of productivity and profit. T+D, 65(2), 62

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Southern Luzon State Essay Example

Southern Luzon State Essay Example Southern Luzon State Essay Southern Luzon State Essay APPENDIX A Questionnaire Republic of the Philippines SOUTHERN LUZON STATE UNIVERSITY Gumaca Campus Gumaca, Quezon Software Acceptability and Features| Rating| | 1| 2| 3| 4| A. Functionality of the Propose System| | | | | 1. The system can accept organized data| | | | | 2. The system has the ability to be used by the admin, manager and user| | | | | 3. The system operates in real time| | | | | 4. The system prevents unauthorized person to use the system| | | | | 5. The system is capable of communicating with other system| | | | | B. Usability of the Propose System| | | | | 1. The system can be learned easily| | | | | . The admin can manage through the system| | | | | 3. The system’s function can easily be determined by the user| | | | | 4. The system can be used even if the users don’t have technical expertise| | | | | 5. The system can saves time using it| | | | | C. Reliability of the Proposed System| | | | | 1. The system has the ability to resume works and restore lo st data when failure occurs. | | | | | 2. The system runs properly| | | | | 3. The system warned or alerts the user if there are errors| | | | | 4. The system’s faults in the software can be eliminated over time| | | | | 5. The system can maintain its functions even after failure| | | | | D. Efficiency of the Proposed System| | | | | 1. The system can utilize system resources efficiently| | | | | 2. The system responds to user command easily| | | | | 3. The system can process data rapidly| | | | | 4. The system utilizes IT equipment information effectively| | | | | 5. The system loads in a short period of time| | | | | E. Portability of the Proposed System| | | | | 1. The system can be deployed by other operating system| | | | | 2. The system can be accessed easily| | | | | 3. The software complies with portability standard| | | | | 4. The software can be alternative to other enrolment system| | | | | 5. The user can use the system anytime| | | | | APPENDIX B The design of Southern Luzon State University to be improved APPENDIX C The Proposed Design for the Data Base of The Administrator during encoding of teachers and students. APPENDIX D The proposed design for student to log in for Online Grades Inquiry. Not yet registered? Email us at [emailprotected] com or visit us at School Registrars Office. Southern Luzon State University Gumaca campus

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Sociology of sports Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Sociology of sports - Essay Example In 2008 Black Americans represented 8.5 percent of the players in the National Baseball League, twenty-nine percent were Hispanics with most of the having a Caribbean origin. Also, racial representation is evident in athletics where most of the athletes who participate in short sprint races are blacks while the whites and Hispanics tend to participate in the long distance races (Floyd, Kimberly and Monika 2013). Edwards (1972) argued that blacks are superior to the whites in terms of physical strength but are inferior in terms of intellectual ability. Hoberman (1997) argued that physical prowess has become a characteristic of African-American community in sports like basketball. This is as a result of the idolization of famous black athletes such as Michael Jackson. This, he argues has reduced the importance placed by African-Americans on their intellectual and social economic development (Jon 2008). The statistics showing that blacks dominate the whites and people from certain places in the world dominate in different forms of sports raises the question whether genetics have a role to play in this. Is the genetic makeup of black people different from the white people hence their dominance in certain sports and not in others? Is the genetic makeup of Jamaicans different so as to dominate the short distance races? People might argue that people with a certain genetic makeup would excel in a certain sport more than people with a different genetic makeup. However, there are several sociological concepts that can correctly explain this phenomenon. The idea of self-fulfilling prophesy argues that what a person believes to be true becomes true due to positive feedback between behaviour and beliefs. Self-fulfilling is in the beginning a false understanding of a situation which then leads to a new behaviour which makes the originally false definition become true. In sports, the misplaced believes that a certain race is best suited for certain sports

Friday, October 18, 2019

Raising the Minimum wage in the state of Illinois Essay

Raising the Minimum wage in the state of Illinois - Essay Example Most agree that employees who work full-time hours should be paid a wage sufficient so as to allow them to provide for their most essential needs which current minimum wage in Illinois does not accomplish. For workers in Mississippi, for example, $7.50 may be enough to subsist but the cost of living is substantially lower in Vicksburg than in Chicago. Opponents to further increasing the minimum wage in Illinois argue that prices to consumers will increase, workers will lose their jobs and the inflation rate will rise. This paper demonstrates that raising the minimum wage is practical for all concerned, workers, employers and the economy as a whole. It also reduces criminal activity and slows the adverse effects of outsourcing which ships American jobs overseas. The minimum wage law was established by the federal then some state government to assure that this ideal was a realization. The rationale behind a minimum wage, intended for the least skilled and educated persons in the workforce, is to raise their earnings in order to offset the forces that drive the market down which would otherwise reduce their buying power. The welfare system, workers’ compensation and unemployment insurance established by the 1930’s New Deal to provide assistance to the poor, in part, still exist today. The economic conditions of the time demanded that the solutions foster relations between the oppressive capitalist class and the working class. Labor unions lobbied for minimum wages and other worker benefits including employers’ liability laws, social reformers worked for maximum hours for women workers, factory inspections, child-labor laws, and anti-sweatshop laws† (Baker, 2003). Backed by the ‘New Dealers,’ these issue s were addressed on the federal level. Raising the minimum wage allows those who make minimum salaries to keep up with inflation. It will also help those that need it the

Aristotle Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Aristotle - Essay Example In a comparative assessment of political systems, Aristotle’s remarks on the perversions of democracy have proved to be a prominent tenet of political discussion and questioning. As a staunch realist, the Greek philosopher propagated the assumption that the idea of a government, which in essence is perfect, complete or best is one which is unattainable and utopian. Sidgwick (1892) argues that Aristotle’s categorization of the kinds of governments is not his own, but it is in fact the result of a pursuit to represent the ideas of his predecessor and teacher, Plato by stating the former’s concepts with an augmented degree of even greater disagreements for the various types of political systems to possibly avoid allegations of unoriginality or literary theft (Sidgwick 141-144). Aristotle’s primary premise is based upon his definition of the constitution which he describes as an association of positions that are reliant upon the degree of authority or power po ssessed by various social classes in their division amongst the citizens. In the philosopher’s categorization of the ultimate political system in comparison with one which is perverted, the underlying variable is the quantity of rulers in each scenario or governmental setup. Aristotle establishes that in the case of ‘rule by many’ as opposed to ‘rule by one’, democracy is a term linked with a perverted depiction of an otherwise positive concept of polity, which leads to the incidence of corruption, unequal distribution of wealth, anarchy and a consequent obliteration of the state. It should however be noted at no point does Aristotle completely discredit democracy as a hollow shell by presenting alternating scenarios where the degree of its perversion is decreased. The main criticism that Aristotle places on the system of democracy is how demagogues are able to manipulate and eventually direct the perceptions, opinions and emotions of the public such that laws begin to lose meaning and government decrees begin to hold more significance. When such situations prevail, a democratically elected leader is transformed into a monarch or a an implicit dictator who imposes a repressive rule over the people, without the people even being aware of it, as everything happens under the veil of democracy. It is also believed that when power is vested in the hands of poor people, who are illiterate and uninformed, they will not be able to execute effectively the responsibilities that come with holding esteemed positions. In stating so, however, Aristotle does agree that a complete exclusion of the lower class from the affairs of the state is not an appropriate option because taking such an action would increase animosities and discrepancies between the rich and the poor rather than bridging the differences. Capitalist democracies of today have failed to recognize that a mere label of democracy that is apparently working on the basis of equalit y and justice is not enough to claim that the workings of a political system are successful when a vast global population that lives below the poverty line is suffering so greatly. For Aristotle, democracy still stands as a form of government which has a lesser degree of perversion in comparison wit

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Comparison of two medieval theocracies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Comparison of two medieval theocracies - Essay Example Yet though both cultures developed theocratic systems of government during the medieval period, we will see that they came to that system of government through very different means and enacted quite different measures to secure and maintain that system. First, though, we should consider the nature of theocracy itself. In a theocratic government, religion forms the basis for political decisions. Government leadership and religious leadership are synonymous, since faith in the governing religion is a prerequisite to political power. Religious texts and tenets provide the backbone for civil law and government. Those members of a theocratic society who do not espouse the prevailing faith may be disenfranchised at best and persecuted at worst. Such was the case when Christianity became the prevailing religion in Western Europe during the Middle Ages — an ironic development since Christians themselves had been a persecuted class in the Roman Empire from the time of Nero (54-68) until the emperor Constantine was converted to Christianity in the early 300s (Tierney). The dramatic power shift led to the most significant power struggle of the medieval period in Europe: the uneasy problem of church and state. Constantine had brought the church to a position of previously unimagined power, but in return, he expected the unwavering alliance of the church — in matters of faith as well as matters of government, as the great debate over the Arian and Nicene faiths in the 300s demonstrated. The challenge was that Christianity had to win over strong, existing systems of government and people whose religious were as sophisticated and compelling (and sometimes more fun) than Christianity. How could a theocracy come to bear in a system of existing governments? The church was inventive — it assimilated pagan traditions to make its asceticism more

Project Management Network diagram Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Project Management Network diagram - Essay Example An event is defined as the starting or ending point for a group of activities and an activity is the work required to proceed from one event or point of time to another.(Kerzner, 1992). The numbers over the arrow specifies the time needed. To know the relationships between activities what job precedes a particular job, what job immediately follows this job and what jobs can run concurrently have to be listed and the time required for the completion is estimated. Based on the chronological order in which they have to be completed, the following network diagram is constructed: From the above diagram we can understand the sequence of activities and their relative importance in the completion of the project. From the information provided we can tabulate and determine the critical path of the project. The Critical path is the sequence of activities which are crucial because delays to them will delay the completion of the project as a whole(Needham, 1997). The late finish and the late finish of the activities are calculated first. The early finish is the optimistic estimate of the completion time of the specific activity and the late finish is the pessimistic estimate of the duration of the activity. The slack time is the difference between the early finish and the late finish. In other words, the slack time denotes the time duration which can be delayed without delaying the entire project. But there are some activities which have the slack time zero, which means that these activities cannot be delayed. These activities are critical for the successful complet ion of the project because they cannot be delayed. The Appendix - 1 shows the calculation slack time of the activities. The calculation shows that the critical path consists of activities, A, D, H, I, J which are crucial for the completion of the project because they do not have any slack time. b) Normal distribution curves are very useful to analyze the frequency of data. When we construct a standard normal probability distribution table, the relationship between the mean of the distribution and the random variable is established. The formula used is: Z = x - / , Where, Z = number of standard deviations from x to the mean of this distribution X = value of the random variable with which we are concerned = mean of the distribution of this random variable = standard deviation of this distribution The value obtained from using the above mentioned formula is

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Comparison of two medieval theocracies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Comparison of two medieval theocracies - Essay Example Yet though both cultures developed theocratic systems of government during the medieval period, we will see that they came to that system of government through very different means and enacted quite different measures to secure and maintain that system. First, though, we should consider the nature of theocracy itself. In a theocratic government, religion forms the basis for political decisions. Government leadership and religious leadership are synonymous, since faith in the governing religion is a prerequisite to political power. Religious texts and tenets provide the backbone for civil law and government. Those members of a theocratic society who do not espouse the prevailing faith may be disenfranchised at best and persecuted at worst. Such was the case when Christianity became the prevailing religion in Western Europe during the Middle Ages — an ironic development since Christians themselves had been a persecuted class in the Roman Empire from the time of Nero (54-68) until the emperor Constantine was converted to Christianity in the early 300s (Tierney). The dramatic power shift led to the most significant power struggle of the medieval period in Europe: the uneasy problem of church and state. Constantine had brought the church to a position of previously unimagined power, but in return, he expected the unwavering alliance of the church — in matters of faith as well as matters of government, as the great debate over the Arian and Nicene faiths in the 300s demonstrated. The challenge was that Christianity had to win over strong, existing systems of government and people whose religious were as sophisticated and compelling (and sometimes more fun) than Christianity. How could a theocracy come to bear in a system of existing governments? The church was inventive — it assimilated pagan traditions to make its asceticism more

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Reform of United Nation Security Council Literature review

Reform of United Nation Security Council - Literature review Example The council also settles disputes among member nations, and to attain this, military option may be resorted. The Council has 15 members, 5 are permanent while the 10 are non-permanent members (Kugel 2009). The non-permanent members are elected by the General Assembly and hold office for a term of two years (Kugel 2009). The five permanent members are China, France, Russia, UK and USA (Kugel 2009). Through the application of sanctions, the council can pressure an erring nation to cease from committing violence or aggression. Sanctions are imposed when diplomatic actions fail to restore peace in an area (Security Council Sanctions n.d.). The decisions of the Security Council are embodied in resolutions approved by majority of the members of the Council (Security Council Sanctions n.d.). Areas for Reform Considerations over introducing some reforms in the Council have started almost at the time of its creation. The increase in the composition of permanent members has also been suggested (Kugel 2009). For instance, the current permanent membership does not represent all the nations based on geographical consideration taking into account the changing geo-political realities (Kugel 2009). The move is also congruent with the attempt to make representation of all the member states more democratic (Kugel 2009). ... The Council really proved ineffective on several issues during the Cold War since two of the permanent members were involved in this conflict. The two primary reform issues that have emerged concern the increasing number of members and the procedural rules in conducting its business. The membership issue also includes the voting system and structure. Amending the voting structure or composition of the Council may not be easily achieved since they would require the amendment of the UN Charter, and a quorum of two-thirds in the General Assembly (Kugel 2009). In the Assembly, permanent members can block the proposed amendments. During the General Assembly meeting in September 2008, the reform discussion deadlock was ended when members agreed to transfer the discussions from the Working Group to the intergovernmental negotiations in an informal plenary of the Assembly through resolution 62/557. The agreed agenda for reform mentioned in the resolution include: membership categories, veto power and concerns, regional representation, size of an expanded Council, working methods and procedures, and the Council’s relationship with the General Assembly (Kugel 2009). Changes in the Security Council Although the UN Security Council has been in existence for several decades now, it is still undergoing reforms to make it more efficient. The desired outcome of its sanctions may have an adverse effect upon the other nations. For instance, a sanction can affect the vulnerable sectors in the population or economy of another country (Security Council Sanctions n.d.). Thus, it is continually amending and refining its design and implementation so that collateral effects may be lessened. The refinements include

Disadvantages of television Essay Example for Free

Disadvantages of television Essay It is believed that television is one of the successful invention in this era. At first, television is used to transfer information from all over the world in the fastest speed. Nowadays, television has entered another stage, there are many shopping mall selling high-definition televisions. Other than first hand information, television provides us entertainment and knowledge. There are sitcoms, documentary, drama, sports, movie, etc. Nonetheless, is it good or not? This time, let us talk about the advantages and disadvantages of watching television. Like some people, I love watching television when I have spare time. In 21st century, watching television has been becoming a popular activity other than sports, or playing video games. Nevertheless, did you notice how many hours do you spend on watching television every day? And did you choose a suitable programme for yourself? Surprisingly, the average of an American watch television for 7 hours and 15 minutes per day. And this figured out how many people has already been invaded by television. Read more: Advantages of television essay Watching television is really a waste of time. Those for whom watching television 8 hours a day. They waste 56 hours a week, then they waste about 240 hours a month, and they waste about 2900 hours a year. As if we can make good you use of these 2900 hours, we can learn knowledge from books, can make ourselves more healthy. Also, television programme are not suitable for everyone. Violence and sexual materials affect the growth of children and teens. If their parents do not teach them, their children may result in committing crimes. Moreover, if their parents did not tell their children not to open the volume too loud or watching television in a longer distance, it may also hurt their ears and eyes easily. Furthermore, students who watch television more than 2 hours everyday, it may affect their academic because they have no longer concern about their study

Monday, October 14, 2019

Example answers to Questions on Organisational Change

Example answers to Questions on Organisational Change Introduction to the Organisatiion This assignment is solved using Shore to Shore Logistics Pvt. India Ltd (STS). It is a branch of Khanna Paper Mills (KPM). The organization deals in the Logistics field. It had a number of clients who are in this field. Introduction to working Scenario STS is a transporting unit initiated by KPM and works as an intermediary between KPM and Transporters Its main task is to arrange the trucks at a reasonable cost and then follow the clients of KPM till the consignment is reached at the destination. On the other hand when raw material arrives at a port, it arranges the containers and follows the service providers till the consignment reaches its base station Amritsar. The STS has a large number of employee who work in different departments. The hierarchy of the organisation is as follows: Managing Director -> Director General Manager -> General Manager -> Sr. Manager -> Manager -> Executives. Recently it has to undergo a number of changes with respect to its functionality so that the work may be finished with greater speed. New technologies had been adopted specially in the field of Information Technology and other departments. Discus three models of Change Management. (AC: 1.1, 4.1) ADKARs Model of Change Manegement: This model was first published in Prosci Change Management Series in 1998 after researching on around 300 companies that were affecting change management. The model is sequential and cumulative in its approach. It has major 5 stages to effect change management. Awareness: It is related to the change whether there is need to change. If there is, what areas should be focussed for change. Desire: There is a lot of difference in desire and demand. Desire is an abstract and vague term that can be weaker whereas the demand has robust background of resources. Everyone should have desire to participate in the change otherwise demand cant e met with. Knowledge: It the factor that vests with the leads. The participating persons should have knowledge of the change that will be effected and the possible outcome of the change. Ability: It is the capability of change. It should be slow in action but fast in result. The strategy implementing team must be able enough to rollback the action in case the change is not successful. Reinforcement: It is the capacity to retain the position once attained. There should be break points that may be created and one breakpoint should be followed by the other on successful completion of one breakpoint.[1] Lewins Change Theory: This model is a three stage model for change management. The stages are Unfreeze: This stage is related with the change of human behaviour. It is unchangeable under normal circumstances, however the knowledge and desire to have more always has a positive relationship with the change. More you learn more you get. This stage is for changing the existing beliefs, scenarios, triggering need for learning etc. In other words, we concentrate on the areas that need to be observed and changed. Change: When we have recognised the areas and opened up the avenues for change, we can effect the change. In this stage we make up our mind to explore and learn new eras of improvement. New technology is adopted, experts are assigned to train the less trained employees. The environment is changed. ReFreeze: This stage is the final stage of the model in which the changes are frizzed for the current scenarios so that these may not affect and get affected by other factors. [2] Lippitts Phases of Change Theory Lippitt, Watson, and Westley contributed to Lewins model and created a seven-step theory. It focuses more on the role and responsibility of the change agent than on the evolution of the change itself. Information is continuously exchanged throughout the process. The seven steps are: Diagnose the problem. Assess the motivation and capacity for change. Assess the resources and motivation of the change agent. This includes the change agents commitment to change, power, and stamina. Choose progressive change objects. In this step, action plans are developed and strategies are established. The role of the change agents should be selected and clearly understood by all parties so that expectations are clear. Examples of roles are: cheerleader, facilitator, and expert. Maintain the change. Communication, feedback, and group coordination are essential elements in this step of the change process. Gradually terminate from the helping relationship. The change agent should gradually withdraw from their role over time. This will occur when the change becomes part of the organizational [3] Suggest an appropriate model of change for your chosen organisation. Discuss your reasons for suggesting the model. (AC: 1.2) Keeping in view our organisation, we suggest the application of Lippitts model. Justification: This model takes into consideration Kewins approach and extends it. On the other hand ADKAR model is also based on the same lines but is more rigid in its approach. In the concerned organisation, third parties were called from their respective fields for evaluation of the existing system and suggest changes that improve the functionality of the entire system. There were transfers from STS to KPM and vice versa. A new Vice President for Operations was appointed who introduced a number of changes to smooth the functionality. The main changes introduced were as follows: The VP stressed on the IT department with full force because this department had the potential to undergo an upliftment. Interviews were conducted for appraisals and executives were promoted. Open opinions were asked for change. Executives were called at the KPM for training. In the initial stages the employees were reluctant to go change but the management made them round in due course of time. The training was over and the executives were restored to their orginial work place. After this study was conducted and those who added much to their performance were promoted. In this way the organisation freezed the change. Strategic planning stands for planning for the long-term. Keynes said that in the long run we are all dead because a long run is composed of a number of short periods. But the time frame of this type planning in many organizations is from three to five years. Due to this timeframe, there are several challenges associated with long-range planning. These include: [4] Creating a plan that is breakthrough in its orientation. Getting all stakeholders to commit to the organizations strategies and to follow through on implementation of critical activities, and decreasing cycle time in the planning process. This sort of orientation necessitates approaches to strategic planning that involve all employees and stakeholders in the planning process and a planning process that can occur within a shortened time frame. There are a number of techniques that can be used for this purpose: Change = (Dissatisfaction)(Vision)(First Steps) > Resistance [5] The Future Search Method: This method was developed by Marvin Weisbord and Sandra Janoff of USA in 1980s. This method is for adopting System-wide strategic planning and Enabling diverse and potentially conflicting groups. To find common ground for constructive action and Finding new approaches to tough issues. The participants generally are in the form of parallel array of 88 tables and sitting 64 persons. The Time duration it takes to decide may take from two to three days. The Real Time Strategic Change Method: This method was developed by Kathie Dannemiller and Robert Jacobs of USA in 1980s. This method is useful when we have to design and implement the whole system for change and create organisation-wide alignment with mission, vision and strategy. It is limited only by size of venue and the event takes two to three days to complete. Its main influence is observed on group dynamics and Organisation development. The time it considers for implementation is Two months. The participants include mixed stakeholder group. The tables are round and can accommodate 8 persons per table. The key focus areas are the sponsors who want to tell or sell the product or is unwilling or unable to meet design principles or sponsor has no intention of implemention of action plans. The model has been used by Boeing (777 Development), Ford Motor Company, Marriott Hotels and Mobil. The Open Space Technology: This model was developed by Harrison Owen of USA in 1985 and presented in Annual international conferences on Organisation Transformation. The primary purpose of this model is creation of self-managed collaborative meetings that generate high levels of ownership and Resolving complex or conflict-ridden issues in a short period of time. Other purpose is team development and creating strong community spirit. The space requirement is limited only by size of venue and the event takes one, two or three days to complete. The implementation requires two weeks. The main participants are sponsor and consultant/facilitator (although some practitioners work with an RTSC-style design team). This model requires a large room that will accommodate the whole group seated in a circle or several concentric circles in tens. In this model emphasis is laid whether the sponsor wants to tell/sell or control the process, predetermined outcome is required, answer is already known and there is hidden agenda.The model has been implemented at The Engineering Council Diageo, Petroleum Development Oman, and Prudential [6] The organisation under consideration applied the mix of these three strategies. The sponsors are the transporters whose will is to get the most out of the pocket of the company and the executive who want to minimize the burden on the company. The transporters were reluctant to provide service as the volume of work is increased during the seasonal hours causing problems and conflicts therein. On the other hand the consignments were sometimes delayed or misreported. To overcome this problem a meeting was called and the solution developed was to implement an IVR system that took 3 months in its implementation. The solution was developed by Beas Software Solutions and is running fine. After the implementation the policy adopted was that the driver will be given an incentive of 1 Pound for calling the IVR system and penalised 5 Pounds for not calling. The IVR is capable of detecting the city from where it is receiving call and automatically throws the mails to the concerned parties. This resulted in regulation of the transporting facilities and the clients are seemed to be also happy. Task 2: Understand Issues relating to strategic change in the organization Discuss the generic background to change that exists in modern economy, and the specific drivers that motivated your chosen organisation to consider Change. (AC:2.1,2.2) World appears to be integrating economically, politically and culturally. Irrespective of the national boundaries huge developments in information, communication and technology has taken place. Ownership patters of corporate sector all over the world have become more complex like joint ventures, cross-border acquisitions etc. Global strategies have emerged in the production of goods and services, distribution and management of labour. These have had an immense impact on business activities. The world economy is now more closely interlinked and the finance has become a global resource. Ricky (2009) In the current economic circumstances organizations are facing both external and internal forces that ultimately make change unavoidable. External forces such as new work force demographics; changing expectations about quality, productivity, and customer satisfaction; and new technologies are dramatically affecting the operating environment in organizations globe wise. Internally, financial limitations, the condition to do more with less, cross-functional groups, mergers and acquisitions and empowered employees all influences organizations position to compete in the global marketplace In case of the concerned organisation, the following are the factors that lead to the change: Increase in area of operations. The organisation has opened its new offices in Canada, UK and US for procuring raw materials. There is need for more manpower to manage the tasks related to the ports. There is dire need of regularising the transport of consignments (Inbound/ Outbound). The competition in the market requires new innovative ideas to be developed. The spreading of education and awareness requires recycling of paper waste to optimize the performance and less cutting of trees. Waste Management needs restructuring. The world is fast enough and we need a centralised database to keep the transactions at one location whether these are performed in India or abroad. In the light of above facts, the organisation under consideration needs change and should adopt a changing policy. Following are some of the resources implications Human and other Capacity Requirements Human force is one the major resource that is hard to change for their natural instincts. We need to develop employees for their skills and use potential sources of these resources. Also, other capacity needs required such as internal systems, management structures, engaged partners and Network NOs and POs, and a supportive legal framework etc. Financial Requirements The finance required to implement this strategy is one of the most crucial factors. There should be proper allocation of funds required to implement the strategy. Estimate of Project Lifespan, Sustainability, and Exit Strategy We should consider a cost benefit analysis before falling into action. The timespan required to complete the project, the resources diverted and compensation of the same for the time span must be considered. Thomas (1992) Strategic Change Management Plan may only be considered complete when these components have been defined, at least in broad terms. As the project moves into change implementation, several of these components are the defined in more detail and tested in reality Task 3: Develop systems for understanding and involving others in the process of change Identify the key Stakeholders in your chosen organisation and propose systems to involve those stakeholders in the planning and implementation of change. (AC:3.1) Karen (2008) A stakeholder is a personality in business who has the greatest stake or the ability to influence the outcome of the strategy. They may break the solution even. The person may be internal or external who has the highest rank and cant be influenced by the strategic forces. Different stake holders have different expectations and can be involved in the process of strategy building in a number of ways as follows: Involve them in problem solving. Keep them up to date of standing towards corporate objectives Take actions on feedback received by them Mobilize the correct resources at the right moment to recognizethe implementation plan In order to involve the stake holders to the process of change the new chief executive officer of STS carried out the following actions; Simplification of Financial Services: For the purpose of involving the customers to the process of change the Chief Executive Officer of STS adopted a customer focused approach. The CEO simplified the ever complex financial services in terms of their understanding and it was now made very simple to understand. Now the customers know that what they are investing into and what return their investment is expected to yield at the end of the contract. Earlier customers have always been confused between the complex calculations. Now the customers are happy because they dont need any financial interpreter to understand the ins and outs of the services offered by the STS. Workforce Development: An-other very important stake holder of the organization is the employees. Mark (2005) An employee is a person whom we must rely. The intention of the employee plays a vital role in success or failure of the project. The CEO of STS took into confidence the employees. He assured more incentives and job rotation at different places to the employees for their overall development. He also made arrangement for necessary training and development programmes. The CEO arranged for their further studies with the leading colleges and IMTs so that their skill may be developed more. Creating Distinct Market Place: the CEO of the company purchased more land for having in house container and custom clearance house. It will unleash the power of the internal as well as external trade. The land will be used as a warehouse where others may also store their inventory. This will diversify the business and help in promoting the output of the STS. Critically evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the systems you proposed in task 3a. (AC:3.3) The system discussed in the section A involved a number of persons as stake holders into consideration before in acting the strategy. The need for change in these factors is made keeping in view the internal as well as external forces. The STS was performing in the service sector of arranging the transporters for only one client that is its parent firm KPM whereas due to the volume of business being stable in one direction and to explore more opportunities for revenue earning, new eras are explored. This strategy really worked in the real time environment. The employees and govt agencies showed keen interest in the development plan and setup of a new industry in the border district where no major investment takes place in wake of war at any time with Pak. Mark (2005) The other system that the Chief Executive Officer developed was to train the workforce. The employees were addressed about the need for the change and the possible proposed changes and before implementing the change assuring them that they will not be over burdened with this new implementation. it is very essential that the workforce is capable enough to perform their duties into the new environment. For the purpose workforce was developed with rotating job descriptions and Management Development Programme was conducted by a Institute of Management Technology Ghaziabad(Delhi) to train the employees about how to respond to the change. Finally the Chief Executive Officer had to respond to the most vital reason for the change that is the fact that STS was trading with only its parent firm KPM and arranging trucks for its consignments. But now the policy has changed and diversification is desired which is possible only with the help of the employees. Along these lines media w as involved in the development of the organisational strategy that helped it in procuring necessary licences and tie ups with the govt and other agencies. Discuss how you would develop a change management strategy with the key stakeholders. (AC:3.2) Stakeholder management is critical to the success of introducing change in the organization . The more people are going to be affected by change. These may be the person who have the power to influence the current project. There are both possibilities, if the results are coming to the expectations, they will be great supporter otherwise opposers. Harriet (2005) Stakeholder Management Strategy is an important discipline that successful people use to win support from others. It helps them ensure that their projects succeed where others fail. Rob (2008) Stakeholder Analysis is the technique used to identify the key people who have to be won over. You then use Stakeholder Planning to build the support that helps you succeed. The benefits of using a stakeholder-based approach are that: We should take into confidence the stakeholders so that they may guide in a better way by their valuable opinions in times of need and keep the project on the right track. The in time communication to the stakeholders give them chance to evaluate the current and the future output of the action being implemented. In this way they can stop the wrong actions, take corrective measure and even encourage the team to carry on in case there is complete success. It builds a sense of confidence in the team. What strategy would you use to manage resistance to the change you developed in your chosen organisation? (AC:3.4) In the opinion of the researcher in the case of STS, following points are worth mentioning There will be a workflow process in order to achieve results for mutual benefits for employees and organization. There will be an Authority Process in order to direct behaviour in the interests of the organization and its participants. There would be a Reward and Penalty Process to induce people to behave in away required by the interests of the organization and its participants and / or to behave in a way making associated activity possible. As in the case of truck drivers they will be given incentive to call and penalty in non compliance. There will be a Perpetuation Process to maintain, replenish, and make adequate the quantity and quality of social and natural resources utilized by the organization and its participants. There must be an Identification Process to develop a concept of the wholeness, uniqueness and significance of the organization. This is usually accompanied by efforts to select and define clearly understood emotionally toned symbols, concepts, or other such factors which will help individual participants identify the uniqueness of the organization as a whole, which in turn automatically helps to define the uniqueness of the organization in the larger environment in which it is embedded. There will be a communication process to provide for the exchange of information, ideas, feelings and values etc utilized in all activities to the stakeholders. This is automatic through the IVR system. There must be an evaluation process which establishes criteria for and defines levels of utility and value for people, materials, ideas, and activities and which rates them and allocates them to these levels. Task 4: Plan to implement models for ensuring ongoing change Explain the appropriate models for implementing change that suite your chosen organisation. (AC4.1) Jane (1998) A model for incorporating change is defined as the overall strategy to incorporate the change into the organizational environment. A model is implemented in the following steps: Access the necessity of change Forming a powerful alliance Creating an idea for change Communicate the vision Remove barriers To incorporate the change in the environment the CEO first conducted a SWOT analysis. He recognised that the company in entering into new avenues and hence need diversification of activities. For this purpose the CEO reserved the resources that may be required from time to time for the change. The CEO also implemented the proposed model to incorporate the change. He decreased the profitability by lowering the prices for services and introduced new warehouse at nominal charges to the interested parties. Since the custom house is set up, the cycle time is reduced for the importers and exporters that started trade with its neighbouring countries like Pak. How would you implement your model(s) in task 4a in your chosen organisation? (AC:4.2) The plan was implanted into a well defined phases as: Discovery Phase: this phase involved the justification of the need for change in the organisation. The employees and other stake holder in confidence. The discovery clarified the need for change, strengths and weaknesses in the organisation. Analysis Phase: In this phase the discovered resources were analysed for their pros and cons. Simulation: A simulation of the model was performed by taking into consideration the opinions and mock transactions with the parties from selected population. Conclusions: Finally the theoretical conclusions were drawn on the basis of simulation. The conclusions were proved to be useful and the change decision was enforced. Keeping in view the changes the CEO developed a new Behavioural framework mainly focusing 8 behavioural variables which are; Think of the Goal Let the old be changed for new to take place Compensate the employees as per their activity and skill level Build a team spirit Participation in decisive actions Learn and Grow No Communication gap Speed Balance and Grip in action What improvements do you expect to achieve by implementing your chosen model(s), and how would you measure these? (AC: 4.3) In this implementation phase land acquisition was made. Govt License and other formalities were met with. New agreements were made with the parties in the same line of trade. choices of services. STS launched new and ground-breaking services. It has facilitated to change the way in which consumers can look at their retirement income. STS is providing the levels of return promised and being responsible for any risks associated with doing so it provides more certainty about levels of income for the consumer. In short as the result of the change implement by the CEO of STS the company rebuilt its brand reputation, became more customer focused, started to provide more innovative products and became more popular among the consumers and ultimately the business has grown to a gigantic extent As the part of their strategy STS also undertook an audit trail to observe the behaviour of the organisation in the market and in the employees i.e. external and internal. The analysis revealed that STS was firmly positioned within the market. Its workforce was known for their considerable expertise, innovation and clarity of communication. The external audit also helped to determine where STS was placed in relation to its competitors. This audit provided a very important vision to the decisions that were needed to initiate the change process. [1].Prosci 1367 S. Garfield Ave. Loveland, CO 80537 USA [2] Lewin/Scheins Change Theory by Ross A. Wirth, Ph.D. (2004) [3]Lippitt, R., Watson, J. and Westley, B. The Dynamics of Planned Change. New York: Harcourt, Brace and World, 1958 [4]USING REAL TIME STRATEGIC CHANGE FOR STRATEGY IMPLEMENTATION LORI L. SILVERMAN, OWNER Partners for Progress 1218 Carpenter Street Madison, WI 53704-4304 608.241.8082 (phone) [emailprotected] (e-mail) [5]USING REAL TIME STRATEGIC CHANGE FOR STRATEGY IMPLEMENTATION LORI L. SILVERMAN, OWNER Partners for Progress 1218 Carpenter Street Madison, WI 53704-4304 608.241.8082 (phone) [emailprotected] (e-mail) [6]Leiths Guide to Large Group Intervention Methods Copyright  © 2004 by Martin Leith, all rights reserved. Martin Leith Limited  · 10 Pembroke Street  · Bristol BS2 8PZ  ·United Kingdom Phone: 0117 942 2727 (+44 117 942 2727) email: [emailprotected] Website: [7]Karen Sobel Lojeski, Uniting the Virtual Workforce, 2008, pages 204Karen Sobel Lojeski, Uniting the Virtual Workforce, 2008, pages 204. Others