Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Debated Issue of Same-Sex Marriage - 750 Words

Same sex marriage has been an issue of debate among many countries because it concerns an issue of basic human and moral rights. According to the United States, a traditional marriage is the union of opposite sexes, a heterosexual union. One man and one woman unite to bind their marriage. This has been the tradition for many years until the issue of same sex marriage arose around the 1970s. The Defense of Marriage Act was passed in 1996 and gave the states the decision on whether or not they authorized homosexual marriage. It describes marriage as a â€Å"legal union between one man and one woman.† Only 17 of 50 states legalized gay marriage which isn’t even half of the United States. Some states are so grounded to their customs that they actually banned same sex marriage. There is nothing dangerous or unnatural about it and there is no need to try to protect the traditional marriage because no harm will come to it. Same sex marriage should be legalized by all states be cause it is unmerited and inequitable. Many argue that same sex marriage is unconstitutional, but in fact it is unconstitutional to ban same sex marriage. There is nowhere in the constitution that states same sex marriage is illegal and should never occur. These marriages should be protected by the constitution’s commitments to liberty and equality. We have civil liberties and one of them is the pursuit of happiness which in this case homosexuals are not allowed and prohibited. Not only are their civil libertiesShow MoreRelated Rights for Homosexuals Essay754 Words   |  4 PagesRights for Homosexuals Gay marriage is a hotly debated issue in todays society. Andrew Sullivan and William Bennett offer opposing views in the June 3, 1996 edition of Newsweek. Sullivans article, â€Å"Let Gays Marry,† offers several arguments supporting the issues of same sex marriage. 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A battle has been in progress for years over whether equal rights and equal protection against discrimination shouldRead MoreThe Impact Of Social Media On Our Society1301 Words   |  6 Pages(Show clips from Joey, Connor, Ingrid, Troye and Hannah’s coming out videos) (Black out) These people are highly respected by this, the social media generation. They are role models and yet, they do not have the same rights as many others. They cannot marry the ones they love. (Cut to me) Harper Lee wrote it well, you never truly understand a person until you climb inside his skin and walk around in it. Imagine the whole world was flipped, and being homosexual was the norm and heterosexuality wasRead MoreThere Is No Question That Gay Marriage Has Become A Huge1631 Words   |  7 Pagesgay marriage has become a huge moral and spiritual issue for the church (Brown 2014). 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